Douglas Englebart & Sir Johnathan Ive

Douglas Englebart – 1950’s


Douglas Carl Englebart was an American engineer and inventor best known for his work on the challenges of Human Computer Interaction and being the creator of the Mouse.


In tribute to his work, video footage of the NLS online system demo from the 1960’s is kept alive on YouTube:

Sir Johnathan Ive – 2000’s


Sir Johnathan Ive is the Senior Vice President of Design at Apple Inc. He is one of the most inspiring and influential product designers developing ground breaking products including iMac, PowerBook G4, iBook, the iPod MP3 player and the iPad.


Johnathan Ive describing the design process of the Macbook:

Douglas Englebart and Johnathan Ive have both had a major impact on how humans interact with computers in two very different eras of technology. Douglas allowed the first human interaction with a user interface, while Johnathon has completely change the look and feel of a user interface bringing fresh and innovative products to the current market.

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